Wydział Architektury
Kierunek: Architektura Krajobrazu          Specjalność: Master Degree in Landscape Architecture in English
Stopień: drugi          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: niestacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2019/2020
Data aktualizacji: 17-07-2019
ECTSKod kierunku: AKEsemestry
Aprzedmioty ogólne15115151
Bprzedmioty podstawowe90867158451552283
1Environmental Sociology and Psychology - Social Communication303151515153E
8History and theory of landscape formation 130230302
14History and theory of landscape formation 23032282283E
Cprzedmioty kierunkowe1261132340303501054368930464521039103923010529111993010532371131632
1Integrated design studio - Composition in Open Landscape1051210510512
2Integrated Design Studio - Composition in Open Landscape1051210510512
3GIS Systems 1454153015304
4Protection and Restoration of Landscape15115151
5Protection and restoration of landscape302151515152E
6Environmental engineering3022282282
7Shaping of Landscape3022282282
9Elective - The Art of Space - In Search of Meaning30230302
9Elective - Recreation with water30230302
11Integrated design studio - Green Infrastructure Design1051210510512
12Landscape engineering - Transportation systems3022282282
13GIS Systems 2454153015304E
14Spatial planning - Rural landscape management3022282282
15Environmental protection3022282282E
16Shaping of landscape3032282283E
17Elective - Places of Memory30230302
18Elective - Landscape Sacrum30230302
19Integrated Design Studio - Spatial Planning1051210510512
20Spatial planning3032282283E
21Legal and economic bases of landscape management30230302
22Detail in landscape architecture - Plants302151515152
23Landscape formation3032282283E
24Environmental protection - Plants in stress environment3032282283E
25Advanced CAD30330303
25Elective - Sport facilities design30230302
26Elective - Landscape illumination30230302
26Special topic design - Pre-diploma project42442
27Diploma design1018101018
28Specialist consultations 111111
29Specialist consultations 211111
31Detail in landscape architecture - Solids302151515152
32Landscape engineering - Water management3022282282E
33Elective - Management and maintenance of urban greenery30230302
34Elective - Landscape photography30230302
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: W - wykłady, Ć - ćwiczenia, S - seminaria, L - laboratoria, P - projekty, R - praktyki.
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