Wydział Mechaniczny
Kierunek: Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn          Specjalność: Zaawansowana mechanika obliczeniowa (Advanced Computational Mechanics)
Stopień: drugi          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2017/2018
Data aktualizacji: 08-09-2017
ECTSKod kierunku: Msemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne606154515215215152
1Large scale European projects15115151
2Foreign language
3Physical aspects of human development
BPrzedmioty kierunkowe4503622545609030901545451515120301530151915152
1Numerical methods II302151515152
2Object oriented programming15115151
3Materials science II4541515151515154E
4Modern structural materials302151515152
5Advanced modelling of materials and structures4531515151515153E
6Machine design II453301530153E
7Integrated processing systems453153015303
8Advanced FEM modelling60430301515215152
9Strength of materials II302151515152
10Dynamics of systems302151515152
11Experimental methods of deformable body302151515152
12Optional modules A, B, C
13Individual activity
CPrzedmioty specjalnościowe2553575301504590930306026
1Optional modules A, B, C, D, E
2Diploma seminar30330303
3MSc Thesis1717
DPrzedmioty podstawowe18013105751057513
1Mathematics II454301530154E
2Engineering mathematics II302151515152
3Solid state physics302151515152
4Solid mechanics302151515152
5Analytical mechanics453301530153E
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: W - Wykład, C - Ćwiczenia, L - Laboratorium, K - Laboratorium komputerowe, P - Projekt, S - Seminarium.
Pobierz ten plan w pliku XLS

Linki do przedmiotów z list

Foreign language
A2a English
A2b German
A2c Polish
A2d French
A2e Russian

Physical aspects of human development
A3a Health education
A3b Physical education
A3c Rehabilitation

Individual activity
B1a Mid-course project
B1b Students research activity
B1c Scientific project

Optional modules A, B, C
B12a Damage mechanics
B12b Control of systems
B12c Design of materials
B12d Intelligent structures
B12e Machine diagnosis
B12f Fracture mechanics
B12g Optimisation of materials

Optional modules A, B, C, D, E
C1a Computational control of systems
C1b Computational design of structures
C1d Computational mechatronics
C1e Computational optimisation of structures
C1f Computational stability of structures
C1g Computational thermodynamics and heat transfer
C1h Computational vibroacoustics
C1i Computational fluid mechanics