Wydział Inżynierii i Technologii Chemicznej
Kierunek: Technologia Chemiczna          Specjalność: Innovative Chemical Technologies
Stopień: drugi          Profil: Ogólnoakademicki          Tryb: stacjonarne
Lp.Rok ak. wejścia planu: 2017/2018
Data aktualizacji: 24-04-2017
ECTSKod kierunku: Tsemestry
APrzedmioty ogólne3022282282
3ST-2_ICT Polish and european legislation in environmental protection15115151
4ST-2_ICT Engineering information and data analytics15178781
CPrzedmioty kierunkowe260201351560401075301010106015303010
5ST-2_ICT Innovative research directions in organic chemistry30230302
6ST-2_ICT Innovative and cleaner inorganic technologies453153015303
7ST-2_ICT Selected subjects in physical chemistry5053010103010105E
8ST-2_ICT Chemical reactors engineering303151515153E
9ST-2_ICT Molecular modeling in catalysis and chemical technology453153015303
10ST-2_ICT Chromatographic separation of phytochemicals30230302
11ST-2_ICT Phytochemical analysis15115151
12ST-2_ICT Calculational methods in chemical engineering15115151
DPrzedmioty specjalnościowe5704417030150303016095303030551875120751830308
13ST-2_ICT Biofuels and bioresources454153015304E
14ST-2_ICT Functional nanomaterials302201020102
15ST-2_ICT Basic of Applied Photochemistry I15115151
16ST-2_ICT Heterogeneous catalysis303151515153E
17ST-2_ICT Modern materials for medicine453153015303
18ST-2_ICT Technology of novel polymeric materials302151515152
19ST-2_ICT Cleaner production and innovations in phosphorus compounds industry302151515152
20ST-2_ICT Cosmetic Emulsions – Troubleshooting of products quality and stability453153015303
21ST-2_ICT Computer modeling in chemical technology30630306
22Selectable courses
EPrzedmioty związane z dyplomami40241030152101522
23ST-2_ICT Diploma seminar30430152152
24ST-2_ICT Master's thesis1020101020
Litera "E" przy liczbie punktów ECTS wskazuje egzamin z danego przedmiotu.
Legenda: W - Wykłady, C - Ćwiczenia, L - Laboratorium, K - Laboratorium komputerowe, P - Projekt, S - Seminarium.
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Selectable courses
D10a ST-2_ICTw Innovative methods in Polymer Chemistry
D10b ST-2_ICTw Basic of Applied Photochemistry II
D10c ST-2_ICTw Experimental methods in catalysis and surface characterization
D10d ST-2_ICTw Electrocatalysis
D10e ST-2_ICTw Delivery Systems for Personal Care
D10f ST-2_ICTw Molecular modeling in drug design
D10g ST-2_ICTw Business strategies for scientists
D10h ST-2_ICTw Innovations in the technology of drugs
D10i ST-2_ICTw Circular Economy In Technology and Waste Utylisation
D10j ST-2_ICTw Technology Of Glass
D10k ST-2_ICTw Modern Technologies In Wastewater And Water Treatment
D10l ST-2_ICTw New Generation Of Composite Materials
D10m ST-2_ICTw Coating Materials In Construction Chemicals
D10n ST-2_ICTw Recycling of plastics
D10o ST-2_ICTw Selected methods of testing chemicals
D10p ST-2_ICTw Elements of physical chemistry of polymers
D10q ST-2_ICTw Microwave-assisted organic synthesis
D10r ST-2_ICTw Polymers in medicine and pharmacy
D10s ST-2_ICTw Drug Delivery Systems
D10t ST-2_ICTw Physicochemistry of aero- and hydrogels
D10u ST-2_ICTw Basic ChemCAD simulations
D10v ST-2_ICTw Concept of biorefinery and platform chemicals
D11 ST-2_ICT PK - Nanomaterials for optoelectronic and biological applications
D12 ST-2_ICT PK - Chemistry of modern polymeric materials
D13 ST-2_ICT FH-MS - Chemical Nanosciences
D14 ST-2_ICT FH-MS - Interactive Physical Chemistry
D15 ST-2_ICT FH-MS - Practical Analytics of Materials
D16 ST-2_ICT FH-MS - Generalized Curriculum in Chemical Process Design
D17 ST-2_ICT ENSCL - Degradation of materials
D18 ST-2_ICT ENSCL - Metallic Alloys
D19 ST-2_ICT ENSCL - Numerical simulation
D20 ST-2_ICT ENSCL - Bioenergy & Biofuels
D21 ST-2_ICT ENSCL - Chemistry of Biomass
D22 ST-2_ICT IPB - Equilibrium Thermodynamics
D23 ST-2_ICT IPB - Microencapsulation techniques and applications
D24 ST-2_ICT IPB - Bioenergy Technologies
D25 ST-2_ICT IPB - Adsorption Separation Processes: from lab to production scale
D26 ST-2_ICTw Technology of monoterpenoid fragrances